Save the date cards aren’t easy. You want engagement photos that highlights your love without feeling contrived, showcases the scene as well as your faces, and feels inviting to the viewer. As the client, it’s not enough to see a few portfolio pictures from a photographer to know if they can capture you and your fiancée in a meaningful way. The following are vital questions to ask your photographer that can help you go into a shoot truly knowing what you are getting out of it.
1). “Do you have photo samples for your location suggestions?”
Often times photographers will cite various scenic spots relative to the clients' travel preferences. They may even send screenshots of Google images of various places they find photographically beautiful, but a picture of a nature scene doesn’t tell you how the human body interacts with it. Perhaps the landscape is too vast for the subjects. Maybe it looks too bleached by sunlight regardless of the time of day to really allow you to pop in a photo. Having photographers send samples of couples they’ve actually shot in the locations they are suggesting is invaluable to putting yourself in the location’s shoes.

2). “What colors should we dress in?”
A good photographer creates a dynamic color palette in your visual scene. In forming a context of color, they help shape the image and increase depth. Think of the photographer as an aesthetic facilitator. It’s his or her job to guide your outfit choices to allow for the most visually stunning photography. Ask if you can send samples of clothing you are interested in wearing so they can review the pieces. This creates an open line of collaboration early on.

3). “Can we see a few poses you’ve done with other couples?”
One of the biggest fears of anyone getting their picture taken is that they will arrive on location and the photographer will ask them to stand or gesture in a way that feels completely forced. It’s not enough to create a Pinterest board of poses you enjoy or even having a list of “do’s” and “dont’s” with your photographer. Focus on the chemistry in the samples they send you. Regardless of the shape of the bodies, how are they interacting? The look and feel between the couple shows how comfortable the photographer made them feel in that moment. You can see if a photographer is good at supporting natural chemistry in the actuality of the picture.

There is no all inclusive way of knowing how your engagement photography will turn out, but with these helpful questions, you can begin to further examine your photographer’s abilities. Save the date cards are a once in a lifetime opportunity to capture what should be the most exciting time in your lives as a couple. It’s worth it to put in a little extra questionnaire to ensure the greatest engagement photography session, and maybe even an anniversary shoot if your photographer nails it!